Praia do Martinhal


Praia do Martinhal
Sagres, Vila do Bispo, Faro, Portugal

650 length meters, 50 width meters (variable)

CEE blue flag
Golden sand beach, with extensive sand and high dunes in the center. To the east, cliffs and lots of pebbles on the beach. Marsh vegetation in the valley that extends inland.

The beach is located to the east of the village of Sagres. Although it is sheltered from the prevailing swell and from the west and southwest winds by Ponta da Baleeira, the beach is quite windy due to the persistent north winds that enter the valley.

There are frequent underwater visits to the beautiful islets of limestone nature that are located off the beach, famous for their rocky recesses and underwater caves.

In the area are the ruins of an important Roman pottery center and, on the islets, traces of fish salting tanks.

It has tarmac road access through the Martinhal urbanization in Sagres, following about 2 km towards the beach.

-Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente
Available Services
CEE blue flag
Lifeguarded Beach
Sunshade rental
Outdoor parking

Unavailable Services:
Accessible beach
Motorhome parking
Surf Bodyboard Windsurf

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